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Thursday, 24 April 2014

some stories you tell.....some  you dont.....
not all stories that are a part of our life is worth sharing or even worth remembering but this story is (atleast for me)  worth a lot and worth sharing....
At certain points in life we come across people who will appreciate the "darker" side of ours and go along with even if they don't like it so that they can get what they want whether it be attention,love or whatever it is they want out of us but  there will also be people across whom we will come who will unknowingly remove/extract that darker side of us such that one fine day without knowing the light will attract us more than the shadows  and we will like facing the light and dread the dark....
Being a computer science student it is worth putting it in terms of coded words...
a system will come across various processes but there may be one process which,after entering the system will not leave the system until the system "crashes" and once inside the system will end all the "queuing" mechanisms with respect to the system such that no other process would be affinated by the system....
yes..this is something or rather sort of a teaser that happened most recently and found it worth sharing.....
courtesy for the person who unsuccessfully SCARED me,partially succeeded in IRRITATING me but most importantly successfully SAW through me or rather READ me....
more to come...
till then...


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