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Sunday, 5 July 2015

devil's favourite son

The world outside isn’t always your best friend. There are people who will try to get you out of their way, try to consume your success and claim it as their own, pretend to be your own until they turn out to be your real foe. Such unpredictable sights of this plane can change a man from being the most devoted man to the devil’s favourite son until all he wants to do is “seek and destroy”.
Yes, it gets frustrating when all you have is a belief that keeps you running your everyday chores and that slightest ray of hope that says that, “your time shall come too”. How long is that time frame supposed to be??? Is it worth if my time comes when I won’t be able to walk on two legs and need a crutch to be my third leg?
           They say, “try hard, until you succeed”. True. Every accomplishment needs perseverance, sweat, but how much? Who is the judge to decide that I have or have not worked hard enough? If I have slogged for 15 odd hours and slept for 5 hours every day and then some random person tells me, “it wasn’t enough!!”, based on my “not expected” output, then do I stab myself or destroy him?
          The worst of them being, “only the big guy can save you now”, or “this wasn’t your time”.
         People, get your head out of that crackpot. God is not an alibi for your success your failure. You are the one who should know your strengths and weaknesses. Today if I put an illiterate man and ask him to design a game is 1 week, even if he would put 24 hours everyday, he wouldn’t be able to make it. Does that mean he hasn’t “worked hard enough?”, no, the reason is that, this is not his cup of tea.
        In simple terms, put in your effort in the field where you want to, then, every effort you put in will yield you some ‘result and you would be happy about it in the end. Don’t wait to put your blame on the “big guy” coz he isn’t controlling anything. He has his own problems to deal with.
Don’t rely on the faith that you have been asked to put on someone else. Have faith in yourself and in the efforts you put. That will be more fruitful.
God exists and so does the Devil. You chose your way but in the process, do not handover your life to them. Just keep either of them somewhere within you to share your plight, not to blame them for your plight. Always remember – “YOU OWN YOUR RESULTS”
