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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Symphonies of Joy

      A lifetime is long enough for almost everyone to experience all sorts of joy and sorrow. There will be ups and there will downs. The ups encourage us and the downs teach us. These are the basic philosophies which are not passed down to us by our parents or teachers but it is something we learn once we start “living”. The common thread that binds all these philosophies is –“SUPPORT”.
      Support can be in any form. Even a shoulder lent just to rest your head and enjoy that feeling that there is someone for you is a very gracious support. Now, each member of our lives can give their support in some way or another but all have their limitations, but there is one group of people who can support you throughout your entire life, down to any level. That support comes from ‘friends’.
       Friends are those group of people who can tolerate you even when others have asked you to keep quiet. They will fight with you to prove themselves right but eventually come to a mutual understanding that both of you are correct in your own specific way. We need them around us always.
       Now, friends are categorized by a few as – “good, best & close”.
Whatever the discrimination may be, what matters is that are they the people who will turn towards you when you need them. If yes, then they are your friend(s).
       Since these ‘friends’ of ours have such a huge responsibility, it is our responsibility as well to let them know that we too are there for them always and how much we care for them and what their friendship means to us. This responsibility can be fulfilled by many ways. The most interesting  way is to have fun with them and then conclude your fun by reminding them that this is how much crazy our friendship is. Remind your friends that you mean a lot to them by calling them up one fine day and tell them that you got married secretly, listen to their concerns, their wishes, their complaints, their mockery and finally confess that any event occurring in our lives would happen with their involvement and not otherwise and so this trick was just a hoax.
        We are fortunate enough to be living in a world where many events take place in our lives time and time which require us to be in touch with everyone we know and technology being a boon in this era has made that possible to such an extent that we can virtually never be apart from each other.
So, basically, I summarize by saying that friends will always be the people who will be unconditional, unavoidable and the most annoying set of people in your life who will always know what is good for you and what is bad and will always be the third wheel in every deed of your life….
Don’t lose them….


Sunday, 5 July 2015

devil's favourite son

The world outside isn’t always your best friend. There are people who will try to get you out of their way, try to consume your success and claim it as their own, pretend to be your own until they turn out to be your real foe. Such unpredictable sights of this plane can change a man from being the most devoted man to the devil’s favourite son until all he wants to do is “seek and destroy”.
Yes, it gets frustrating when all you have is a belief that keeps you running your everyday chores and that slightest ray of hope that says that, “your time shall come too”. How long is that time frame supposed to be??? Is it worth if my time comes when I won’t be able to walk on two legs and need a crutch to be my third leg?
           They say, “try hard, until you succeed”. True. Every accomplishment needs perseverance, sweat, but how much? Who is the judge to decide that I have or have not worked hard enough? If I have slogged for 15 odd hours and slept for 5 hours every day and then some random person tells me, “it wasn’t enough!!”, based on my “not expected” output, then do I stab myself or destroy him?
          The worst of them being, “only the big guy can save you now”, or “this wasn’t your time”.
         People, get your head out of that crackpot. God is not an alibi for your success your failure. You are the one who should know your strengths and weaknesses. Today if I put an illiterate man and ask him to design a game is 1 week, even if he would put 24 hours everyday, he wouldn’t be able to make it. Does that mean he hasn’t “worked hard enough?”, no, the reason is that, this is not his cup of tea.
        In simple terms, put in your effort in the field where you want to, then, every effort you put in will yield you some ‘result and you would be happy about it in the end. Don’t wait to put your blame on the “big guy” coz he isn’t controlling anything. He has his own problems to deal with.
Don’t rely on the faith that you have been asked to put on someone else. Have faith in yourself and in the efforts you put. That will be more fruitful.
God exists and so does the Devil. You chose your way but in the process, do not handover your life to them. Just keep either of them somewhere within you to share your plight, not to blame them for your plight. Always remember – “YOU OWN YOUR RESULTS”


Monday, 23 February 2015

The After 'roast' Party

For all those who watched the ‘AIB Knockout’, it was frigging awesome…..
Why do you ask??
Because these sporty people had the balls to demonstrate something that ‘we’, the ‘citizens of India’ like to do indoors i.e gossip/back-biting/bitching whatever you may name it.
And for a few of the ‘critics’ who criticised it, I have no comments because they demonstrate the fact why our country’s literacy rate is so low and why we are still a ‘developing’ country for the past 60  fuckin years!!!!
But, I pity the ‘actors’ of the country who raised their voice and pitched against this roast.
Firstly, dude, I may not be an actor but I earn my living by being ‘me’. These buggers act before the camera, portray someone else whose role they might not be even eligible to play in real life, and earn money. Well they live in the world of hypocrisy and so, if someone shows them the light, their skin burns-similar to vampirism.
So, for the politicians who have commented against this roast, I have no comments since they are beyond that and don’t qualify to be commented upon, the actors who commented upon the roast as a ‘disgrace’ to our community and tradition and culture, I would like to request them to only work for movies which portray ‘holistic’ themes from next time if they have so much problem with people showing guts in front of 4000 people for a good cause. These actors will act as some random xyz shit and get crores of rupees and declare in front of the media how ‘hard’ they worked.
You frigging morons, you worked hard to showcase someone else because you are not worth anything outside that role. You will be known for that xyz shitty role you played until your next movie comes out. Come out of that, you are nothing.
So, before you comment, do recall that through this means of entertainment, a lot of money was raised which was donated to charity. So see through the bright side before shoving up your finger into someone else’s behind.


Monday, 16 February 2015

Filling in the 'VOIDS'

'waiting for the ripper to come and fetch,
Waiting for the end, kiss my death,
A thousand curses is not worth to die,
When a heart is all that beats to live'

This is a part of a lyrics that I had worked on. I had written it in a general manner with respect to a third party incident that I had witnessed. Though it didn't affect me in any way, I put myself in that person's shoes and thus, words started pouring out and I constructed verses after verses.
I had been asked to explain the meaning of what those meant because some couldn't relate to it and some just thought of it as crap. I don't give a damn to how anyone interprets it but yes, I would definitely react when someone says that this is 'meaningless'..because lets get this straight.... I am not a kid who writes to rhyme. I write when words flow out of me and each set of lyrics I write define a moment I have been a part of - directly or indirectly.
So for all those who thought that this is a cake walk and carries no meaning, I would advice them to shove their pointing fingers up their behind and understand what I am about to explain:

The above four lines I opened this post with basically imply into one simple sentence: 'follow your heart and forget the mob'....
People will advice you, pay heed.
But there will also be people who will constantly remind you of how many times you failed before you achieved a simple success. Live for the people who appreciate your success and darken the failure instead of lending ears to the people who highlight your failure before giving you credit for your success.
It happens that when we listen to so much negativity, we tend to lose hope and consider ourself as a permanent failure and not even try to build up to our eyes. So, these set of words convey the message that you may just want to go away from all the criticism and live at solitude BUT before you consider it, think of the fact that why waste your life for 1000 stupid failures that people have reminded you of when you have 1 success that can overshadow them if you just strengthen it as much as you want and as much as you can. Success may not be big or small. As long as you know that you have succeeded and in times to come, you can maximize it to the fullest, don't give a damn to what others say....just do what you are doing and let your deeds shut their mouths up once and for all and you can reminisce of the fact that you have vanquished your foes until your last breath.....
Thats what these lines meant..